Gurdjieff Spreadsheet Concordance

A Spreadsheet Concordance for Gurdjieff's First Series

Search, Filter and Sort a Spreadsheet to Find What You Need

This site provides you with a spreadsheet and matching user's guide. The spreadsheet is a concordance to Gurdjieff's first series. You can open it in your favorite spreadsheet program and search, filter, and sort to find what you are looking for. If you want to, you can filter by more than one term, and search for another one.

Here is an example:

Filter by this: Term=Ahoon, Speaker=Narrator

Search for: tail

Result: Volume 2, Page 41, Page Quadrant 1, Sentence 1, Sentence Part 1 (Also provided on every spreadsheet row is the location, era, descent number, and speaker. This is followed by a short list of keywords that you can scan to see if this is the sentence that you are looking for).

User's guide

This site also provides a user's guide. It contains a location cross reference which shows all of the locations mentioned in the three volumes. The user's guide also includes a tutorial with examples of useful combinations of filters and searches.

Further Information

I made the spreadsheet for my own use. This web site offers it to others. Although it is free, it is a quality product, and I stand behind it.

I am most grateful for the time that Mr. Nyland spent with me. This web site might be an opportunity for me to give back in some small way.


Download the spreadsheet here (a comma-separated values text file, size 13 Meg):


Download the user's guide here (a plain text file, size is about 40K):


Technical notes

Everything on this web site is plain old html that I wrote myself by hand. The files are both text files. Nothing is even zipped. In fact, if you view the page source, you can see for yourself that what you see is what you get.

Important! The spreadsheet contains 65536 rows. Some spreadsheet programs will give you a message that the spreadsheet exceeded the maximum number of rows. However, if the spreadsheet that you are viewing has 65536 rows, you have the entire spreadsheet.

Copyright Information

The accompanying spreadsheet (a compilation of terms) "Gurdjieff_Spreadsheet_Concordance.csv," and its user's guide, Users_Guide.txt, are both my own creation. I did not pay for or receive any assistance from anyone in the process of creating the spreadsheet or its user's guide. I compiled the terms for the spreadsheet one letter at a time over a period of a couple of years. No one paid me to do this or compensated me in any way whatsoever. I actively dedicate the spreadsheet "Gurdjieff_Spreadsheet_Concordance.csv," and its user's guide, into the public domain this day of December 1, 2017, in any country of the world. You may do just as you please with both of them without restriction, and without consulting me. Would you like to put it on your own web site and share it with others, or put an improved version there? You can do that.

Best wishes!

Steve Ryan